What are we?

We are a cooperative enterprise specialized in economics that promote innovation in the public and community spheres to adapt to the various transitions that are taking place. We generate and propose new ideas and economic strategies that make possible to establish the basis for necessarily more balanced social and economic relationships, between them and with their environment.

What do we do?

At Ekona we offer economics services at local, regional, national and international levels from a double activity: consulting and research. Our services are addressed to public administrations, political groups, public institutions and private organizations: political decision-makers and representatives to the public administration, individuals or groups of social and political action, technical and managerial personnel of the public administration, research and thought spaces, organizations social, and private institutions.

1. Ekona building present

Consulting to create new frameworks of understanding that facilitate processes of social, economic and political transformation in the public, community and private spheres. We translate the expression of social demands into concrete public management practices.

What do we offer?

  • consulting in the following areas: responsible finance, energy transition and climate change, economic policies, local development, platform economies and inclusive digitization, comprehensive urban planning, and the commons and community economy, fundamentally;
  • energy transition strategies and plans applied at the municipal, regional or state level;
  • evaluation and proposal of control, participation, access to information and accountability processes to improve public management;
  • diagnosis of economic management, budgets, taxation and debt at the municipal, regional or state level;
  • gender impact analysis of public policies and economic dynamics;
  • public management audits so that, through the proposal for process improvement, correct management is guaranteed, improving efficiency and promoting citizen control;
  • gender analysis of budgets and taxation of public entities;
  • analysis of the economic, social and environmental metabolism of a territory to guide economic and social policies;
  • evaluation and definition of public and community strategies and action plans;
  • municipalization and application of public and public-community management models of services and commons;
  • design and evaluation of legislative proposals in the economic policy environment.

2. Ekona generating future

Permanent innovation laboratory where new ideas, methodologies and approaches to emerge and debate to draw transition strategies towards a new economic model.

We generate thought and debate through the publication of reports, policy papers, the organization of specialized seminars, training sessions and the presence in the media from an independent and rigorous perspective.

What do we do?

  • economic, political, social, gender or environmental diagnostic reports at local, state and European level;
  • in-depth and applied research to transform existing conceptual frameworks and practices;
  • design of political strategies;
  • disclosure of stories associated with new conceptual frameworks; promotion of training and debate spaces.

How do we work?

We start from a systemic, independent and rigorous perspective to analyze the dynamics and interactions of the set of elements that make up the current economic system, with the aim of proposing structural transformations and enabling new socio-economic scenarios based on sovereignty, equity and commons.

At Ekona we accompany people and institutions to make emerging social needs a reality and we turn ideas and wishes into concrete strategies, programs and actions. We drive transformation processes together with our clients and associates, sharing ideas and collectively adding together to achieve the objective of a new plural and transformative economy.

Who are we?

The Ekona cooperative is made up of a multidisciplinary team of professionals with extensive experience working with the public, community and private sectors. We are specialized in financial and monetary matters, as well as in the productive, metabolic processes and social relations that are part of the economy. We provide solutions tailored to each of the orders to meet needs from an innovative vision.